Clock Tower Appeal

Press release – Pudsey church launches clock repair appeal as it marks its 200th birthday

Pudsey church launches clock repair appeal as it marks its 200th birthday

It’s been a few years since the clock at Pudsey Parish Church last told the time.  The clock stopped when the mechanism developed a fault, and then the church was forced to take one of the clock faces down due to concerns about the safety of the masonry supporting it. 

The church has now launched a public appeal to raise money to fix these problems and bring the clock back into service.  Chris Dunford-Kelk, the acting chair of the church’s Parochial Council, told us “We often hear people saying what a shame it is that the clock doesn’t work any more.  Unfortunately, it will take a lot of work to make the tower safe, put the clock face back up and then get the clock working again.  This will cost around £150,000.  The church clock is a Pudsey landmark and the only public clock in the town, so we hope that the people of Pudsey will help us raise the money to get it repaired.  £150,000 is a lot of money, but it could easily be raised if every person in Pudsey contributed just £5 each”.

Pudsey Parish Church was opened in 1824, so this year marks its Bicentenary.  The church is organising a number of events across the year to celebrate, and the temporarily removed clock face will provide people with a unique opportunity.  Chris explains, “The church’s actual 200th birthday is on August 30th and we’ll be opening the church up and giving people the chance to see things they wouldn’t normally be able to do, including the chance to see the clock face up close and have a selfie taken next to it.  We’ve got lots of details of our bicentenary celebration weekend that we can’t wait to share with everyone.” 

You can give to the church’s clock appeal through, contact the church on 0113 257 7843 or email

The next Bicentenary event at the church, this Friday evening, is a concert from popular local funk band The Boogiemen.  Tickets are only £5 and can be bought from   Other upcoming bicentenary events include a variety of concerts, a peal of the church’s bells, a talk from Leeds Rhinos legend Jamie Jones-Buchanan and a Christmas Carol service with a very special guest.  The church hosted one of its popular family fun days over Easter and will have similar events through the year.  A list of currently scheduled events can be found at


Welcome to Pudsey2024 a website dedicated to the bicentenary of Pudsey Parish Church. Throughout 2024 we are putting a number of events, and opening the doors of the Church to celebrate our bicentenary.

Everyone is welcome, if you have any questions please get in touch via or

Bicentenary Events

Friday April 28th – concert – The Boogiemen
Saturday May 11th – concert – City of Leeds Youth Wind Orchestra
Monday May 27th – Bell Peal and open day
Sunday July 14th – Leeds Youth Jazz Rock Orchestra
August 3rd – Family fun day
Friday August 30th – Bicentenary Day celebrations (details to be announced)
Saturday August 31st – Bicentenary weekend celebrations (details to be announced)
Sunday September 1st – Service of thanksgiving for 200 years of Pudsey Parish Church with the Right Reverend Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds
Friday September 13th – Sunday September 15th – Heritage Open Days
Friday November 15th – Talk from Jamie Jones-Buchanan
Friday December 20th – Carol Service with special guest speaker